What is the RVG?
On this page, we answer some frequently asked questions about the RVG.
What is the RVG?
The Reina Valera Gomez (RVG) is a Spanish Bible version that is faithful to the traditional text of the Bible. We believe that God has providentially preserved His Word and that any Bible translation in any foreign language should follow the Hebrew Masoretic Text in the Old Testament and the Received Text in the New Testament.
A great problem that has existed in missions work is that textually pure Bibles such as the King James Version in English do not always exist in other languages. The Spanish language has suffered from this problem for many years. The most popular Spanish Bibles such as the Reina Valera 1909 & 1960 have long been known to contain Critical Text errors. For example, the RV1960 removes "by Jesus Christ" from the end of Ephesians 3:9. The phrase "without a cause" is missing in Matthew 5:22. "unto repentance" is not present in Mark 2:17. "Christ" is removed from the confession of the demon in Luke 4:41 and "Lord" from the confession of the thief on the cross. Please see our website for many other examples of egregious Critical Text readings in the popular Spanish Versions.
The RVG Spanish Bible was originally released in 2004 and its last edition in 2023. Its purpose is to provide the Spanish people with an excellent and accurate translation of the Scriptures that is faithful to the traditional text of the Bible.
Is the RVG good Spanish?
The RVG Spanish Bible is not only textually pure, it is also excellent grammatically and linguistically. The RVG follows the principles of literal translation (formal equivalency) and is accurate grammatically. It is a beautiful Bible to both read and preach from. This is one of the reasons that so many native Spanish speakers love the RVG!
Is the RVG a direct translation of the KJV?
The RVG is a revision of the Reina Valera 1909 Antigua. Its goal was to remove the corrupt Critical Text readings and errors from the Spanish Bible. The similarities between the RVG and KJV are a result of both Bibles being based on the same traditional text of the Bible. That being said, all Bible translations consult other versions. The KJV was diligently compared during the revision of the RVG just as the RV1960 consulted the corrupt ASV and RSV. The RVG is textually pure in Spanish just as the KJV is textually pure in English.
Article: The Important Role of the KJV in Foreign Bible Translation
Why was the RVG necessary?
While Spanish Bibles have existed for hundreds of years, they have unfortunately contained erroneous readings and in many cases follow the corrupt Critical Text. For example, the popular RV1960 contains at least 180 Critical Text readings and deletes the name of Christ in over a dozen places in the New Testament. These Bibles read just like many corrupt English Bibles in many places. The Spanish-speaking people need to have access to God's pure Word just as the English-speaking people do. In order to meet this great need of textual purity, the RVG Bible project was born. We now have a Spanish Bible that is free of the Critical Text and follows the traditional reading of Scripture just as the KJV does in English.
Who were the revisers and translators?
Dr. Humberto Gomez is the editor of the RVG Bible. He is a native Spanish speaker and veteran missionary to Mexico. Among the many other contributors and revisers are well-known original language experts such as Dr. D.A. Waite, Dr. Carlos Donate, Dr. Rex Cobb, David Daniels, and Dr. Louis Tyler. Over the last twenty years, the RVG has been reviewed by hundreds of preachers in many countries who have sent in their observations and recommendations. We believe it is safe to say that no other Spanish Bible has been as scrutinized as the RVG and that it is the purest Spanish Bible available.
More Information: Article - The collaborators of the RVG
What has been the reception of the RVG?
More than 3 million copies of the RVG have been printed and continue to be distributed through local church ministries. The RVG is now available in over 15 countries and we continue to expand our distribution centers globally. Hundreds of churches all around the world have embraced the RVG and are thankful to have a Spanish Bible free of the corrupt Critical Text. Missionaries and pastors that stand for textual purity have embraced the RVG and are thankful to preach from a textually pure Bible. The RVG is also recommended by the King James Bible Research Counsel.
More Information: Article - What has been the reception of the RVG?
What is the RVG bible society?
The RVG Bible Society is a group of veteran missionaries and pastors that work together to promote and distribute the RVG Spanish Bible. These men conduct conferences, write books and articles, and produce literature and media designed to teach the importance of textual purity in the Spanish language. The RVG Bible Society is a ministry of Calvary Baptist Church in Beaufort, SC. Six different countries are represented in its leadership.